Accruals: Accrual Levels Tab
Accrual Levels define how benefit time is accrued for the policy.
- Starts After - This setting determines how much time must elapse since the employee's hire date before the accrual will apply benefit time. The selections are; Days, Months (always calculates as 30 days), or Years. For example: A company may have a probation period of 90 days before an employee accrues benefit time.
- Hours - Enter how much time will be applied to the employee benefit time pay code when the accrual is calculated. For example: Every month employees accrue 10.67 vacation hours.
- Carry Over Amount - Enter how much time an employee is allowed to carry over at the end of the year. For example: A company may have a rule that employees can only carry over a maximum of 80 vacation hours. This setting is controlled by the Carry Over Benefit Time option on the Settings tab.
- Maximum To Accrue - Select how much time an employee can accrue. The selections are unlimited or a set number of hours. This includes the carry over amount and the accrued amount. For example: A company may have a rule that employees can only accumulate a maximum of 240 vacation hours. John normally accrues 200 vacation hours per year. This year he didn't use all of his time which left him with a balance of 60 hours. This will give him a total of 260 hours but this maximum setting only allows a balance of 240 vacation hours, so John will have to forfeit 20 hours.
Wed 12/05/2018